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Culture Assessment Form

Culture Assessment Guidelines: Refer to "Ask these questions" to evaluate the new score increase or decrease how much compared to last score

1. Transparency

Last Score: 70
Ask these questions:
- How often do employees share their challenges, successes, and areas for improvement with their team?
- Are there regular opportunities for team members to give feedback to each other and management?
- Are there open and honest discussions about company performance and goals?
(Last Score Reason: No significant change compare to last time)

2. Ownership

Last Score: 60
Ask these questions:
- How often have employees prioritized launching initial versions of projects or solutions to gather early feedback, rather than trying to perfect them from the start? - How often have employees embraced the iterative process, actively seeking and incorporating feedback to enhance subsequent versions of their work? - Do employees follow the launch guidelines properly?
(Last Score Reason: Deployment for customers is still slow but with a good mindset. Results are not yet satisfactory due to unclear task delegation. Members should take initiative rather than waiting for clear instructions. There is confusion between ownership and bias for action. Ownership is broader, while bias for action focuses on urgency. Core principles are remembered inconsistently)

3. Customer Focus

Last Score: 55
Ask these questions:
- Do employees take responsibility for their mistakes and take action to prevent them from happening again? - Do employees go above and beyond their job responsibilities to contribute to the success of the company? - Do employees consistently communicate with peers to proactively address and overcome obstacles, or wait for others to take the lead in solving issues that affect our collective work?

(we have improvement overall. Q2 and Q3 showed significant progress, while Q1 had some but not much. SAT has also improved. Better understanding of customers and efforts to fill gaps by sharing insights and going to the field. Team CS still lacks many soft skills.

The engineering team still makes mistakes affecting customers and is not always aware of the potential impact. Testing sometimes affects customer production. Efforts are being made, but results are not yet evident.)

4. Iterate and Launch

Last Score: 55
Ask these questions:
- How often have employees prioritized launching initial versions of projects or solutions to gather early feedback, rather than trying to perfect them from the start? - How often have employees embraced the iterative process, actively seeking and incorporating feedback to enhance subsequent versions of their work? - Do employees follow the launch guidelines properly?
(Last Score Reason: Iterated too much and changed scope, preventing launch. Combined various elements for KR group set points, understood mistakes only after releasing a good example. Many KRs remain unreleased, with major failures acknowledged personally.
Launched without proactively seeking feedback or following up for better versions. Marketing and P&C teams launched without significant announcements, leading to a lack of iteration. P&C launched more significantly than before but still lacked feedback and follow-up for improvement)

5. Bias for Action

Last Score: 60
Ask these questions:
- Is there a sense of urgency in decision-making and execution? - Do employee try to figure out the ways to pushing projects forward through quick, decisive action when facing obstacles? - Do employees frequently fall into overthinking rabbit hole when trying to solve a problem?
(Last Score Reason: Marketing progress is very slow due to a lack of industry knowledge and fear of making mistakes. There has been some improvement from the previous quarter, with less overthinking. Despite a high bias for action, launch and iteration are low because there's a need to ensure impactful launches. There is agreement that understanding the impact more clearly could improve the situation.)

6. Disagree and Commit

Last Score: 70
Ask these questions:
- Is there an open and respectful environment for dissenting opinions and debates? - Do employees feel comfortable challenging decisions and speaking their mind? - Once a decision is made, do employees fully support and implement it, even if they disagree?
(Last Score Reason: Much better: More team members are speaking up. Increased business involvement has shown improvement.)

7. Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)

Last Score: 50
Ask these questions:
- Do employees try to automate to focus on more innovative tasks, and how has this improved productivity and work quality? - Are employees aware of the DRY tool? Have they been using it effectively? - Do employees invest in learning new skills or adopting new tools to prevent the need for repeating tasks?
(Last Score Reason: If DRY is defined as learning from mistakes, tool usage improvement isn't clear.)

8. Have a Growth Mindset

Last Score: 80
Ask these questions:
- Are employees encouraged to take on challenges and grow in their roles? - Is there a positive attitude towards failure and a focus on learning from mistakes? - Are employees regularly given opportunities to develop and upskill?
(There has been noticeable improvement with team members more willing to take on challenges and share. When mistakes or failures occur, receiving feedback is met with a positive attitude for correction.)

Areas for Improvement and Actions Plan

What are top 3 key principles that require our immediate attention for enhancement?

Can you suggest ideas/strategies for deeper integration of these core principles?